Town of Cary Chapel Hill Rd. Mobility Study

Cary Chapel Hill Rd study graphic

The Town of Cary has a new survey up as part of it’s ongoing Chapel Hill Rd. mobility study. They would love to hear from as many Northwoods families as possible!  Current and former Northwoods parents have been heavily involved during the focus group and public symposium process of the study. Our Safe Routes to … Read more

The Northwoods School Garden Club is off of a great start!

We were having so much fun with solving smelling riddles throughout the garden, finding the colors of the rainbow, transplanting our own sowed seedlings, planting potatoes, radishes and seeing how they grow and sharing stories. We were able to start harvesting the first of our wonderful birdhouse gourds and can’t wait to turn them into … Read more

October 1st General PTA Meeting

Hello Northwoods families, We hope you and your children are finding your groove in this crazy new school year! We want you to know that we are here for you and your students as we navigate this new world together. We would like to invite you to our first ever virtual general meeting. When: Thursday … Read more

2020-21 PTA T-shirt Sponsorships

Each year, our PTA sells business sponsorships to help fund t-shirts for ALL of our students and staff at Northwoods. The shirts have become a wonderful tradition at Northwoods, helping to foster a sense of community and school spirit…not to mention helping teachers easily identify Northwoods students during field trips! With so many of our events and traditions on hold or cancelled, we felt that the shirts would be especially important this year as a symbol of community and spirit as we work from home.

Adopt-A-Week in the Garden | Summer 2020

It’s time to sign up to take care of our school garden over the summer! Use this Sign-Up-Genius to pick a week for your family. Adopt-a-Week to help keep the Northwoods School Garden growing this summer! The most important task is to make sure the garden has enough water. You will need to keep a close … Read more

April 2020 PTA Update

Our PTA, like so many organizations, has moved entirely online for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year. We wanted to update our members on some of the steps we’ve taken over the last month, as well as to update you all on our plans for future meetings, programs and planning for next year.

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